Via the Internet
Use one of the following forms to get information, ask a question or give us your feedback:
• Request Information – use this form to get more information or submit comments about a King Technology product that you already own, or request more information about a product that you are thinking of purchasing.
• Troubleshooting Assistance – if you have read through the FAQs and visited Common Pool Challenges and are still struggling with a pool or spa problem, use this form to request help from our Customer Service personnel.
Call Customer Service
Dan M. Customer Service Team Leader
800-222-0169 Toll Free
952-933-6118 Local
952-646-4300 Fax
Our Customer Service Department is open Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Central Standard Time. Fax your questions and comments anytime to 952-646-4300
Meet Sue – The Voice of King Technology
King Technology does not believe in sending our customers into an automated call response system asking them to endure an endless list of Press 1-2-3….options. In most cases, Sue will be your 1st point of contract with our company and the Frog brand.
Sue is always cheerful and friendly. She takes great care of our customers, quickly determining their needs and getting them to someone who can immediately assist them. Should the right person not be available Sue will make sure your situation is handled appropriately.
By Mail:
King Technology, Inc.
530 - 11th Avenue South
Hopkins, MN 55343 USA